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While I attended Oregon State University during my junior year I took an internship class to prepare me for a summer internship. Instead of an internship I landed a full year job position at Associated Students of Oregon State University. I went from being their graphic designer to being promoted to the position of Executive Director of Promotion & Outreach. Below is the summary of the internship class portion of my job at ASOSU. Even though the class is over I will be continuing my job there. After I graduate I will be looking for an entry level position as a graphic designer.



Intern Role

Promote ASOSU to the best of my abilities and improve the image





Main Responsibilities


  • Recent and relevant knowledge of ASOSU and the mission of ASOSU programs


  • Create press releases, speeches, letters to editor and all other promotional materials to be seen in the public eye


  • Act as ASOSU spokesperson at request of President


  • Serve as a liaison for ASOSU and the MU 204 Graphic Design Studio


  • Plan and executive promotional event programing


  • Advance and improve ASOSU’s Social Media presence through a variety of outlets


  • Advance and improve ASOSU’s online presence through website and other electronic communications outside of Social Media.


  • Maintain a professional working relationship with the Corvallis Gazette-Times, The Oregonian, The Daily Barometer, KBVR and other local media outlets, as well as provide regular updates to the ASOSU staff.


  • Ensure ASOSU Brand Guidelines are being followed by all three branches of ASOSU


  • Ensures materials are in stock for all summer START sessions, CONNECT Week, Internship program, and all other events throughout the year


  • Provide advertising and public relations assistance for all three branches of the ASOSU


  • Advertise all ASOSU events through multiple media avenues


  • Pursue new avenues for student communication and feedback


  • Recruit interns and volunteers




Skill Sets Used/Learned 

Challenging employees



Conducting meetings

Confronting others

Computer/program skills

Creating ideas/brainstorm

Creating new solutions

Addressing problems

Displaying ideas

Goal setting

Critiquing others

Information research

Knowledge of current government affairs




Meeting deadlines

Overseeing meetings

Plan development


Promotion work




Team building




Preparing For the Future

This job position has helped prepare me to achieve my future plans to become a graphic designer. I am striving to get an entry level position as a graphic designer after graduation and hopefully achieve an art director position. By having this job I was able to manage an assistant where I delegated jobs and responsibilities to. I also was in charge of a team of graphic designers/videographers. 


From this experience I learned how to delegate projects to others successfully. I have gained a huge set of skills I can apply to my future job. My job was about promoting and marketing a organization. I previously had 2 other graphic design job positions. I already had that experience and I wanted this position so I can be a more rounded designer. I wanted to know the other side of it, and know how to promote an organization. Now I am a designer and have the skills to promote and delegate projects to others.




Internship Design Work


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